K.E.Marigold Austin, Dorset
Private Collection
The ‘Z Bowl’, as they have become generally known, was very much an archetype of the Leach Pottery Standard Ware, made in relatively large numbers for everyday use but without the imprint of a particular potter. Decorated with the stylised willow tree, they were available in two sizes.
They first appear in the 1946 Leach Pottery list priced at six shillings and remained in production until the late 1970s. This particular bowl is likely to date from the 1950s and is a particularly polished example, with even decoration and colour and well-executed rings and ‘Z’ designs.
Examples are to be found in many public collections, including the Tate Collection, and one that can be seen at close quarters is to be found in the library section of Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge